To all Members of Balbriggan RFC,
As you are aware, the AGM of Balbriggan RFC held on 10 September last was
adjourned in order to allow further work to be done on the reform of the
Club Constitution as well as to allow for further information be gathered
on Project Phoenix. The AGM will resume on Monday night next, the 20th
october at 8pm in the Bracken Court Hotel.
At the adjourned AGM of Balbriggan RFC, the members were invited to make
submissions on proposals to reform the Constitution of the Club. Copies of
the Constitution with the suggested amendments together with explanations
and comments thereon, were circulated at the AGM and further copies were
made available to any member that requested a copy of same. Notice was
placed on the Club website of the invitation to the members to make
submissions on the proposals for reforming the Club Constitution.
The final version draft Constitution which takes into account the comments
and submissions made by the membership at the adjourned AGM and in the
subsequent consultation period is available from the Honorary Secretary,
Cathal McNulty on request. If you would like to review this final version
of the Draft Constitution in advance of the reconvened AGM next Monday the
20th, please e-mail Cathal at
It is proposed to put this new Constitution to the General Meeting of the
members when the AGM is resumed on Monday night.
We look forward to seeing you all there.