Notice of AGM – Thursday 22nd June 2023

Notice is hereby given of the upcoming Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of Balbriggan RFC. The AGM will be held in the Clubhouse of Balbriggan RFC on Thursday 22nd June 2023 at 8pm.

As per Article 10 of the Constitution of Balbriggan RFC “Voting Members” entitled to attend and vote at the AGM are those members who have paid their membership in full by 1st November 2022. The Constitution of Balbriggan RFC can be accessed on the club website:

Nominations to the Executive Committee should be received by the Honorary Secretary no later than 8pm on Wednesday 14th June 2023.


If you intend to be at the AGM, please reply to me by email on

Kevin Colman

Honorary Secretary

Balbriggan RFC

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